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{{ (item.variation.media ? item.variation.media.alt_translations : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel }} {{ (item.variation.media
                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
{{ 'product.bundled_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.bundle_group_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.buyandget.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.gift.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{ field.name_translations | translateModel }}
  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

{{ 'product.set.open_variation' | translate }}
  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

{{item.quantity}}x HK$0 {{ item.unit_point }} Point
{{addonItem.product.cover_media.alt_translations | translateModel}}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{addonItem.quantity}}x {{ mainConfig.merchantData.base_currency.alternate_symbol + "0" }}
Hot Pot Set 【2】For 4-6 People

Hot Pot Set 【2】For 4-6 People

1. 頂級澳洲和牛牛小排肉片300G、西班牙黑毛豬梅肉片300G、芋頭貢丸、起司牛肉貢丸、三星葱爆醬貢丸、澎湖花枝丸各6粒
2. 大虎蝦6隻
3. 雜菜拼盤
4. 北海道帶子大蝦沙律
5. 燒蟹膏軟殼蟹蟹籽手卷
6. 炸韓國小鯷魚凍豆腐
7. 火辣辣鳳爪
8. 韓式前菜4款
9. 爆蒜牛油焗青口、忌廉蘑菇釀雞翼、醬燒日本扇貝各5件
10. 原條醬燒魷魚皇2條(約15cm +)
11. 紫菜肉鬆蛋卷 (日本蛋選用)
12. 罐裝可樂5罐
13. 是日甜品5件

{{shoplineProductReview.avg_score}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{shoplineProductReview.total}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
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Roast Chicken with Herbs
Sale HK$130.00

JinJi Marinated Shrimp & Crab Set
Sale HK$348.00

頂級Prime 牛板腱 200g
Sale HK$180.00

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一餐兩食:新鮮頂級肉類及海鮮 + 精選韓式熟食  



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